The BISO SojaFLEX extension is a good solution for soya harvest for owners of Laverda/Fendt/MF/Challenger combines with a standard header (FreeFlow). These combines usually have rapeseed extensions and we can fit the SojaFLEX extension with FLEX modul for soya harvest on the header based on the same principle.
The Laverda M306LS with the original standard 7.6m FreeFlow header with the BISO SojaFLEX extension (East Slovakia, 2017).
In the picture you can see the long dividers and the knife bar of the FLEX module in lower position.
The right side of the header with a quick coupler and a row of skids of the FLEX module.
During the last 5 years, we have learnt a lot about soya harvest, generally about the very different field conditions, soya types and different approach from customer side. We have analyzed information from our customers and have made many improvements.
The SojaFLEX extension has a row of its own skids.
We had some issues in 2017 in this area and because of that, the design of the cutter bar has been changed significantly in 2019. We have a different angle now and some customers are able to order Schumacher double fingers and knife.
Schumacher KIT in 2020
In 2020, BISO offers the possibility to order the SojaFlex extension equipped with BISO double fingers, the BISO knife, a knife head, a lever and a gearbox OR as a new option in 2020, we will have a special conversion knife head and the extension should be ordered with Schumacher double fingers and knife. This is a good choice for customers who work in rocky areas.
This SojaFLEX extension is fitted with a standard BISO knife lever with a bolt and a BISO knife with a BISO knife head. The BISO double fingers are a standard we use on the CropRanger headers.
The knife head and the lever have a protection against rocks. If the conditions are suitable, some drivers remove this part to get a maximum cleaning effect in the area. Protection shoe is part of the standard spec.
In this picture you can see the BISO gearbox integrated in the SojaFLEX module frame and moving with the left shoe.
The belt drive is a good solution for such a purpose. The original header knife gearbox rotates but the header knife is disengaged.
On the spring plates, you can see the damaged yellow colour where the reel fingers have touched the FLEX module. The header has no automatic function to protect this.
The maximum width is 7.5m
When the header works in the FLEX mode the load of the driveline is really high. All depends not only on field conditions, but also on the wear of the knife and double fingers. Thanks to this and the experience from the field, we offer the extension of 7.5m as the maximum width for all brands (7.6m respectively). The technology gives the owner the possibility to cut soya really low in the ground area as the fingers touch the ground with very good effectiveness of the harvest.
In the picture, you can see a “non-aggressive” setup of the SojaFLEX module double fingers and the whole knife bar. It is a simple and a fully mechanical system where you need more than 50kg to lift the finger (competitors usually need 70-80kg). The customers say that the SojaFLEX module from BISO is very “soft” in this design category.
For the year 2020, we have changed the hitch of dividers a bit. In the picture we can see the long version, typical for soya extensions.
The look at the left side – the drive line. This header has the maximum working width 7.6m. The SojaFLEX modul doesn´t have an easy life during the harvest so it is important to use a simple design with a possibility of fast local repairs in case of damages. In critical situations of heavy damage of the extension, you can quickly disconnect the SojaFlex extension and use the header as a standard one.
This is a unique picture of Laverda drivers. On the basis of customer requests, the BISO SERVICE has rebuilt the original Laverda combine and has fitted the angle adjustment with hydraulic rams from the BISO CropRanger header. Therefore, this unit can adjust the angle of the SojaFLEX module during the drive based on the actual situation. The combine in the picture has a PFR drum in the feeder house typical for Laverda combines.
More about the SojaFLEX extension KIT:
Leaflet version in ENG for download:
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